“Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk so that by it you may grow up in your salvation.” (I Peter 2:2, italics mine)
Right here. This.
The significance of why, as born-again believers in Christ, we need to “crave pure spiritual milk.” The absolute necessity of a desperate desire for God’s Word and the cruciality of its consumption.
And not just occasionally—here and there when we feel like it, or when the notion strikes—but making it as much a routine, daily habit as a dependent, helpless baby whose very life and well-being are contingent upon a continuous intake of milk.
Oh-so-wonderful, oh-so-satisfying, nourishing milk!
Very clearly, Peter communicates the significance of doing so in I Peter 2:2: It’s so that we “grow up in [our] salvation.” It's so that you and I become mature sons and daughters of God, which is the Father's will for each of His children during this temporary, earthly sojourn.
Here's the bottom line:
Without ongoing, routine consumption of the Word, our spiritual growth is naturally hindered; and over time, what results is spiritual malnourishment—overall spiritual weakness, lethargy, and lifelessness. Certainly, not the abundant, life-giving existence Christ’s sacrificial death makes accessible and attainable.
And certainly—most certainly—not the life-giving spiritual vigilance and vigor this present-day world so desperately needs to encounter.
Which is exactly what Satan, "the god of this world" (2 Corinthians 4:4), wants.
